Explore Upcoming Batches

Course NameBatch NameRegister ByStart DateTimeBatch Status
CCNA v1.1CCNA Weekend Batch 04 May 24 04 May 24 04:30 AM
CCNA v1.1Weekday Batch (MWF) 06 May 24 06 May 24 02:30 PM
VXLAN and VXLAN-EVPN with LabsUS Morning Batch 10 May 24 13 May 24 12:00 PM

Unlock the future of education with our upcoming batches. Here, you can find the perfect opportunities to propel your learning journey. Enroll in these batches to get a head start on your educational goals.

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Each course in our upcoming batches has a well-defined schedule. To simplify your learning path, we've introduced an intuitive calendar icon. Just click it to reveal the course's scheduled dates. This feature empowers you to manage your learning journey effortlessly by helping you select courses that seamlessly fit your timetable.

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